• Question: have you ever done a job with animals for something got to do with science

    Asked by chewyoda007 to Stuart, Simone, Serena, Josh, Alexander on 20 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Josh Makepeace

      Josh Makepeace answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      I haven’t done any jobs using animals for science. I once worked in a lab where we tested chemicals on cancer cells, but never on animals themselves. It’s a controversial issue, I’m not sure how I’d feel if I was doing a project that involved testing on animals. I think I’d find it quite hard, even though I understand that sometimes that research has real benefits.

      What do you think about animal testing for science?

    • Photo: Alexander Munnoch

      Alexander Munnoch answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      I haven’t done anything with animals (done some stuff with bacteria before though).

      I would never work on animals for cosmetics testing – it is just torture.

      However medical research can have neccessary evils, for example in anti-cancer drug testing.

      I know a guy who used to test drugs on chimps and it dyed them all blue – (kinda funny to think about blue chimps) but I don’t think I could actually do that and sleep comfortably at night.
