• Question: How were your parents when you were studying in college and university?Were they supportive? Did they help you with your studies? Do you feel like they helped you to get to where you are now?

    Asked by kristybryant to Alexander, Josh, Serena, Simone, Stuart on 16 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Simone Sturniolo

      Simone Sturniolo answered on 16 Jun 2013:

      My parents were very supportive. They believed I could do well because I had always had good grades in school and allowed me to go to University without the need to find myself a job to pay for it. I wanted to repay the faith they were putting in me and did my best to end my studies as fast as possible and become independent immediately after – luckily after my degree I became a PhD student with a scolarship that allowed me to live on my own means. I am grateful to them and hope to make them proud with the results of my work!

    • Photo: Josh Makepeace

      Josh Makepeace answered on 16 Jun 2013:

      That’s a really good question. I think it’s really important to have people supporting you in whatever you’re doing, I certainly wouldn’t have been able to get where I am without my parents.

      I’ve been really lucky that my parents always said that I should study whatever made me happy, so they’ve been really supportive of everything I’ve done. I think sometimes that’s been hard for them (like when I told them I was going to move across the world to keep studying), but they never made me feel bad.

      Neither of my parents have a science background, so in terms of specific help with my studies, not so much! But for general support, they’ve been amazing. I hope you’ve got people supporting you with your study 🙂

    • Photo: Alexander Munnoch

      Alexander Munnoch answered on 16 Jun 2013:

      Both my parents encouraged me to do what I wanted to do – that included going to university. They were and are still very supportive of my studies – moreso emotionally and financially than actually helping with my work. They definitely helped me get to where I am now but I think the most significant support they gave me was during my school years – making sure I studied enough, learned my work (enjoyed my work – if you enjoy it; you’ll do better at it) and had time to enjoy myself outside of school. I guess they were role models for me in terms of their own work ethic and work/life balance.

    • Photo: Stuart Archer

      Stuart Archer answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      My parents have been very supportive throughout my entire school and university life, and I definitely wouldn’t be where I am now without their support! Even though at 29 years old I’ve gone back to university they’re still helping out with money and emotional support, so I’m very lucky. I hope I can do the same for my own kids some day!
