• Question: if you could switch to studying a new science from the beggingin would you?

    Asked by 11godfd1 to Serena on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Serena Corr

      Serena Corr answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      hi 11godfd1!

      No – I think I would like to stay in Chemistry. But when I was younger, I wasn’t so sure…

      When I was 17, I was choosing which course I wanted to study at university. At the time, there were lots of subjects I enjoyed at school – music, biology, languages… In the end, I picked a general science course at university where I could study biology, chemistry and mathematics for two years before I had to finally make up my mind. Once I was at college, I really fell in love with Chemistry. I found it really exciting – from carrying out experiments in the lab to working out the answers to interesting (and sometimes difficult!) questions. I’m really glad now that I had the opportunity to study several science subjects before making my final decision.
