• Question: why do you like science

    Asked by ellafaria to Josh on 16 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Josh Makepeace

      Josh Makepeace answered on 16 Jun 2013:

      Thanks for the question 🙂 I think the thing which got me interested in doing science in the first place was being able to find out a bit more about how things around me work, whether it’s how plants grow, where we get electricity from or what makes fireworks all different colours (there’s lots of chemistry in fireworks!).

      What I really enjoy about science is seeing how we’re all made up of the same stuff, and how we can use science to help make our lives better and keep the world as great a place as it is now. Sounds a bit soppy, I know, but it’s true 😛

      Do you like the science you do at school? What sort of stuff do you do?
