• Question: if you eat yourself would you become twice as big or completly disappear ?

    Asked by beanboozled18 to Stuart on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Stuart Archer

      Stuart Archer answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      We’ll aside the fact that you’d likely be dead if you tried this… 😉

      So, if you did manage to successfully eat yourself, I would expect that you’d stay pretty much the same size. If you want to to a little experiment to show this (don’t eat any part of yourself…) then weigh youself, drink a litre of water and then weigh yourself again. How much does a litre of water weigh? Did your weight go up by the same amount?

      If you managed to eat yourself, and digest yourself with 100% efficiency, in theory you wouldn’t actually change the amount of matter that made up your body, therefore you would have the same weight. Human digestion isn’t 100% efficient for all food types (although it’s generally very good), so in practice you’d lose some mass.
