• Question: whats the hardest thing you had to do tobecome a scientist

    Asked by bart1 to Stuart, Josh on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Josh Makepeace

      Josh Makepeace answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Hi bart1. Thanks for the question. It was quite hard to move away from my family and friends in Australia to come over here. For a while I found that difficult. But with Skype and facebook, it hasn’t proved too hard to keep in touch with everyone back home, so it’s not too bad now.

      The other thing which has been hard is realising that in science you have to trust your own ideas and try things out. You get to a point where you’re doing experiments that haven’t been done before, so you can’t look in a book or on the interent for the answer. So you have to trust your training and work out what’s happening!
